In recent years, Venice has seen an increase in disrespectful behaviour in the city, and a campaign to #ENJOYRESPECTVENICE has been launched. With our own eyes we have seen tourists letting their children pee in the canals, people swimming in Grand Canal, and people strolling round the sites in skimpy swimwear. A newspaper even published photos of a couple getting amorous (wink wink) on one of the piers in front of Rialto. Here are a few guidelines to follow if you want to respect this beautiful city:

Do not swim in the canals in central Venice. It is completely forbidden.

Don’t drop litter. There are very few waste bins in central Venice, so keep your trash with you until you see one, or dispose of it at your hotel. 

Sitting on steps, bridges and in the street is prohibited. Don’t lean on shop windows or perch on their ledges.

Picnicking or eating on the steps or bridges is forbidden, unless you go to a park or beach and find a specific place where eating is permitted. 

Don’t feed pigeons or other birds.

Always make way in the alleyway and bridges for local workers, especially those with carts and trolleys.

Try to let locals pass in the small alleyways, and if you are with a large group, try to avoid taking up the whole alleyway.

Don’t shout or be noisy in the streets at night.

Respect dress codes in churches and religious sites. Women should cover their shoulders, and in some places both men and women should cover knees.

Don’t walk around the historic centre in swimwear. Men should not go bare chested. We know it is unbearably hot in the summer but it is considered very rude.

Although every corner of Venice is beautiful and worthy of a photo, try not to block bridges or small alleyways by stopping too long. Local residents and workers will no doubt shout an angry “occhio” or “attenti” if you get in their way (the more polite ones will say “permesso”).

Some restaurants have dress codes (no shorts etc), so don’t be offended if you are turned away.

If you're grown up enough to have kids i guess I don't need to tell you not to attach love locks to the bridges...